Area of operation
Khomas region – Windhoek, Okahandja, Groot Aub
Current Statistics
20 soupkitchens 3130 children
7090 meals a week
Orphaned and vulnerable children Elderly
Those in deep distress
More soup kitchens More regions Training
Fresh Produce
Lechem Foundation has it’s beginnings in Emmanuel Church Windhoek, who for the last 20 years, supported 16-20 soup kitchens at any given time, providing thousands of meals to children. While Emmanuel Church shouldered much of the financial responsibility over the past two decades, the dire circumstances at soup kitchens and the need for expansion necessitated the establishment of the Lechem Foundation. It is our sincere desire that Lechem Foundation will be able to multiply the efforts of one local church, not only to serve even more orphaned and vulnerable children, but to expand our reach to the elderly and those who find themselves in deep distress.
Currently the Lechem Foundation supports twenty (20) soup kitchens who in turn provide meals to more than 3130 children a week.
With more and more children frequenting the soup kitchens, our biggest and most immediate need remains the donation of food items. Children are often malnourished which leads to low immunity. Lechem’s urgent appeal to donors is to help us to not only fill, but to nourish these children with ample and quality donation.
Lechem is the Hebrew word for ‘Bread”.
Jesus Christ understood our need for daily sustenance when He prayed “Give us today our daily bread”.
Bread then, is symbolic of what every person on earth needs to sustain their bodies. It represents the staples that communities live on to survive. But in the long run, people need more than physical bread for their bodies to live, and to thrive.
Jesus made the proclamation in John 6:48 that He is the Bread of Life.
No one can deny that many people live without enough bread to eat to nourish and sustain their bodies, but many more live without the Bread of Life - God’s provision to us for eternal life.
The name Lechem Foundation capture our purpose perfectly
– to provide in the physical and spiritual needs of the people God loves so much!
The main purpose of the Lechem Foundation is to meet the physical, spiritual, and social needs of people and communities, especially children, the elderly and those in deep distress by providing ongoing and regular assistance with food and other basic items, as well as to offer hope with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This Purpose will be accomplished through the following objectives:
1. To alleviate hunger by supplying and supporting soup kitchens and other feeding schemes, that in turn, provide
meals to the elderly and to orphaned and vulnerable children.
2. To ameliorate the physical and spiritual existence of people and communities by equipping the Christian leaders, staff and volunteers of soup kitchens and feeding schemes to share the Bread of Life, lovingly and effectively.
Helping you to impact communities around you